If you would like to contribute, below you can find some helpful suggestions and instructions.
Reporting bugs
To report a bug you encountered, please open an issue in the issues section. You are requested to fill in the entire issue template and to include a minimal example of when the bug occurs, such that we can reproduce the issue.
Proposing new rule issues
To propose new rule issue, or issue group, we strongly suggest you open a issue in the issues section first to discuss whether the rule issue should be implemented and how. Please be sure to fill in the entire issue template as it also contributes to the documentation around the proposed rule issue. Importantly, new rule issues should always have test cases describing rules where the issue is present and a similar variant where the issue is mitigated.
Preparing the development environment
To install packages required for running tests and linting, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running tests
If you wish to run the majority of the tests whilst skipping the slow integration tests on large third-party rulesets, use the following command:
To run the slower integration tests at the end of your development cycle, use the following command instead:
pytest -m "slow" -k "not train"
Training new models
To run the train new ML models (i.e., PrincipleMLChecker
) at the end of your development cycle in case you modified this pipeline, delete the .pkl
files corresponding to the saved model(s) and run the following command:
pytest -m "slow" -k "train" --cov-fail-under=0
To automatically fix some linting issues and check for remaining issues, run the following commands:
black .
ruff check . --fix
To automatically generate the documentation from the code, run the following commands:
./docs/make.bat clean
./docs/make.bat html
To locally view the docs, run the following command:
python -m http.server -b localhost -d docs/_build/html 8000
and inspect the docs at localhost:80
Pull requests
When you create a pull request (PR), several checks are automatically run. These include some basic code style checks, as well as running all non-slow tests. PRs that do not pass these checks will not be merged. Additionally, PRs will undergo atleast one round of feedback before merging and require approval of atleast one contributor.
Writing Extensions
It is possible to extend suricata-check
with additional checkers without contributing these checkers to the main project.
This may be beneficial if your checkers serve a very narrow use-case or if you would like to develop proprietary checkers.
An example of such an extension is given in the suricata-check-extension-example project.
Note that for extensions to be automatically discovered by the CLI, their module name should begin with suricata_check_
, they should expose suricata_check_extension.__version__
, and their checkers should implement the CheckerInterface
Note on licensing
The suricata-check
package containing the CLI and CheckerInterface
, as well as the ‘core’ checkers contained therein are licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL), implying that modifications to the source code should be made available when a derivative work is distributed (incl. network use). It should be noted that any extension implementing the CheckerInterface
, or using utility functions from suricata-check
is not considered a derivative work and may therefore be distributed under another license not requiring the disclosure of source code. As a result, it is possible to implement proprietary checkers and distribute these without disclosing their source code. For example, the suricata-check-extension-example module is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, which does not require disclosure of source code for derivative works and permits changing the license for derivative works.