



The SidChecker contains several checks based on the Suricata SID allocation.

Module Contents

class suricata_check.checkers.styleguide.sid.SidChecker(include:[str] | None = None)[source]

Bases: suricata_check.checkers.interface.CheckerInterface

The SidChecker contains several checks based on the Suricata SID allocation.

Specifically, the SidChecker checks for the following:

S300: Allocation to reserved SID range, whereas no range is reserved for the rule.

S301: Allocation to unallocated SID range, whereas local range should be used.

S302: Allocation to wrong reserved SID range, whereas another reserved range should be used.

S303: Allocation to unallocated SID range, whereas a reserved range should be used.

Initializes the checker given a list of issue codes to emit.


A Mapping of issue codes emitted by the checker to metadata for those issue types. The metadata is structured in the form of a Mapping from attribute name to attribute value. The one mandatory metadata attribute is severity, which must be one of the levels provided by the logging module