
The suricata_check.utils module contains several utilities for the suricata-check main program and the checkers.




Handler to color and write logging messages for the click module.


find_rules_file(→ str)

Find the Suricata rules file in the given directory.

Package Contents

class suricata_check.utils.ClickHandler(level: int = 0, github: bool = False, github_level: int = logging.WARNING, **kwargs: dict)[source]

Bases: logging.Handler

Handler to color and write logging messages for the click module.

Initializes the instance - basically setting the formatter to None and the filter list to empty.

emit(record: logging.LogRecord) None[source]

Log the record via click stdout with appropriate colors.

suricata_check.utils.find_rules_file(root: str) str[source]

Find the Suricata rules file in the given directory.